Get ready to Dominate in your City
[iframe style="border:none" src="//" height="100" width="100%" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen]What's up Everybody!We have some fun catching up for some face-to face time with Ed back from his visit to Florida. The trip had to be postponed because, January happened to $lap us upside our heads as you very well know. In any case, we touch on a bunch of different topics in this one. There is a lot of catching up to do so we called it our State of the Union Address.
Pest Control Union that is
There's also a couple of announcements because, busy times are upon us all. We have our LIVE Training Seminar coming up right around the corner and our Upcoming Webinar on getting Google Guaranteed in your city is a total game changer for small businesses. Our LIVE Training is Sold Out, there's still room in the webinar. Click the Link to Sign Up. Listen Here